How do I find an EPC assessor near to me?

If you’re property is in Northamptonshire, Milton Keynes or the surrounding areas then look no further. If not, the best place to go is the national EPC register where you can enter your postcode and it’ll give you a list of all the registered Domestic Energy Assessors near to you. You can find a link to it on our ‘Useful links’ page here.

This is the best way to find an Energy Assessor as you’ll be contacting the assessor directly rather than going through many of the large national companies who are very prominent on search engines and who offer temptingly low prices, but you have no control over who you use, their reviews, reputation or quality. By sourcing your own energy surveyor you retain control over all these things which are really important.

Contact us.

NN Home Energy Surveys

12 Battle Close, Wootton
Northampton, NN4 6RP

Opening hours: Monday - Saturday

8am - 8pm / Sat 9am - 5pm

Tel: 07851 957628
